Devon Cuimara from the Aboriginal Men’s Healing Centre, speaking at the flag raising ceremony as part of NAIDOC Week at the Shire of East Pilbara.
The Shire of East Pilbara spent last week embracing the NAIDOC Week theme Because of Her, We Can.
This year’s theme celebrated the essential role women have played, and continue to play, as role models in all levels of society.
The celebrations officially began on Monday, July 9 with a flag-raising ceremony at the Shire administration office in Newman.
Cr Jay Ahmedi officiated the event and said NAIDOC Week was a significant event because it was a celebration of the contribution made to Australia by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
“This is a chance for all of us to celebrate the rich history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and promote reconciliation within the wider community,” Cr Ahmedi said.
The week-long celebrations included cultural cooking, an elders’ morning tea, traditional crafts, a police barbecue and storytime at the Newman library.
The week culminated in a free community concert starring Central Road Band, Wild Dingo Band, Yabu Band and Theona Councillor at Boomerang Oval in Newman on Sunday, which incl-uded traditional bush tucker and a range of children’s entertainment.
Shannon Beattie
Thursday, 19 July 2018 10:00AM